Social learning through low carbon and green Economy opportunities in climate actions - SLATE

SLATE - Social learning opportunities through low-carbon and green economy projects try to actively accelerate awareness and knowledge of climate change issues and sustainable solutions.

Project|Social learning through low carbon and green Economy opportunities in climate actions - SLATE


Description of Project SLATE:

SLATE - Social learning opportunities through low-carbon and green economy projects try to actively accelerate awareness and knowledge of climate change issues and sustainable solutions. The aim of this project is to develop & enhance social learning opportunities through low-carbon and green economy workshop & developed handbook that could actively accelerate the awareness and skills of VET learners age 22 years & above, staffs of VET organizations/institutions, small business owners, who have little or no awareness of climate change issues & sustainable solutions that could be adapted in operating & ensuring energy-saving activities in their personal life, work life & business operations respectively.

The project develops learning opportunities and practically implements pathways through success stories and programs that generate measurable reductions in both greenhouse gas emissions and climate risks awareness. Specific objectives are:


  • Elaborate on what and how green economy and circularity issues are in focus in the partner countries
  • Facilitate knowledge exchange about green economy opportunities in climate actions
  • Creation of handbook with best practices of climate change actions
  • Design collaboratively a study module which meets the needs of the partners and future challenges of climate issues, low carbon economy awareness and testing it in the pilot courses;
  • Support the actualization of the EU agenda to lower greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030, which is possible and this would make Europe on a responsible path to becoming climate neutral by 2050.
  • Disclaimer:

  • Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
  • Project Output:

  • SLATE Handbook - Download Handbook
  • Online SLATE Workshop
  • General Information

  • Program: KA210-VET - Small-scale partnerships in vocational education and training
  • Project Number: 2021-1-KA210-VET-000034539
  • Partners:

  • Afridat UG
  • Euroform RFS
  • Mobilizing Expertise AB
  • Life Learning Development e.V.
  • _______________________________________________________________________________